Monday, October 10, 2011

Super foods for Super health!

It is very important to know which Fruits and vegetables could help you for good health. Which fruit helps lower your blood pressure? Lack of omega-3s is linked to depression and some physical problems but do you know which everyday food can provide you with these essential fatty acids? Are you worried about your eyesight?

Bursting with flavour, blueberries are one of nature’s gems. They act as an antibiotic by blocking bacteria that cause urinary tract infections. Some people like to eat them frozen because they taste like sherbet! These vitamin C, fibre and iron rich berries beat 40 other types of fruit and vegetables with their ability to neutralise free radicals, those nasty particles that damage cells and enhance the effects of ageing. They benefit your eyesight too, not surprising they have been dubbed the “vision fruit” in Japan.

Known as “nature’s butter” they contain “good” fats (monosaturated) that may cut the risk of heart disease. They help regulate thyroid problems and are also a powerful source of vitamin E, a fantastic skin improver. Some studies show that avocados may also help prevent rheumatoid arthritis. What’s more, they contain the powerful antioxidant lutein, which can help protect the eyes from cataracts and hardening of the arteries. Can’t be bad!

Moneys aren’t daft. Besides providing instant energy, their favourite food containing magnesium and vitamin B6 is one of the most nutritious tropical fruits around. Fibre from green bananas reduces bad cholesterol while ripe bananas are one of the best ways to soothe an upset stomach. And that’s not all! They can relieve heartburn, helps decrease the risk of a stroke and are packed full of potassium which can lower your blood pressure. It’s easy to see why they are classed as a super food!

Said to bring good luck, protect against evil and ward off vampires. Well, who knows? What is sure is that garlic deserves its reputation as “king of the herbs”. Freshly crushed, it can kill bacteria at a distance of 20 centimetres, by the smell alone! It is good for the immune, digestive, nervous, respiratory and excretory systems and is beneficial for the heart, lungs, skin, hair and eyes. It contains the active ingredient allicin, which has an immune enhancing effect and studies have linked garlic to a lower risk of stomach cancer. If you catch a cold or flu, garlic will help cut its duration by half.

This super fruit with the edible seeds has higher antioxidant activity than red wine and green tea, which may be why a number of studies show it may prevent skin cancer and kill breast and prostate cancer cells. It also helps fight Alzheimer’s disease, is great for reducing plaque build up in the arteries, improves the function of the intestines and strengthens the walls of the tiny blood vessels that supply nutrients to the skin. What’s more, it also has a reputation as a powerful aphrodisiac. Wow, what an all rounder!

These juicy red guys contain the antioxidant lypocene which can protect against cancer, lower your cholestoral and protect against heart disease. Lycopene, also found in red peppers and watermelons, is best absorbed by the blood when taken with a little oil. Ideally, for good health, eat at least one cooked tomato, or tomato based product daily, for example, pasta sauce. Yes okay... even pizza sauce counts...

Thirst-quenching and delicious definitely, but recent research shows tea is also high in antioxidants and may protect against cancer and heart disease. Don’t add milk or worse – sugar, which may negate its health-giving benefits. Serious tea drinkers should remember that the dash of milk in each cup adds up and can contribute significantly to the amount of fat in their diet, increasing the risk of heart disease and cancelling the protective effect of the antioxidants, so drink it black if you can.

This golden gem of the fruit world is virtually a powerhouse of health. It contains Vitamin B and E, potassium, magnesium, copper, phosphorus, zinc, iron, manganese and is the greatest source of vitamin C around. But that’s not all – they are jam-packed with bioflavonoid too, beneficial to the lining of the digestive tract, respiratory system, heart and circulation. Lemons are fantastic for keeping skin and body tissues healthy and are best eaten fresh, raw or juiced.

Rich in bioflavonoid which have powerful anti-cancer properties, these fruits of the vine also contain resveratrol which fights the enzymes that can stimulate cancer cell growth. They help prevent narrowing the hardening of the arteries too. As if that isn’t enough, they are stuffed with fibre and protein. Try to eat a small bunch of grapes five times a week or drink it in juice form. If you’re worried about your eyesight, try eating red grapes – a source of the carotenoids lutein and zeaxanthin which studies show may protect against age-related macular degeneration.

When it comes to health benefits, tasty walnuts are not a hard nut to crack. Walnuts are an important source of monounsaturated fat, a protective fat which the body can not manufacture. Walnuts concentration of omega-3s has many potential health benefits ranging from cardiovascular protection, to the promotion of better cognitive function, to anti-inflammatory benefits. Those who know about these things, say they are helpful for those who suffer from asthma and rheumatoid arthritis and skin disease such as eczema and psoriasis too. Nuts also contain dietary fibre, magnesium, copper, folic acid, protein, potassium and vitamin E. You’d be nuts not to eat them!

Time and again studies have singled out broccoli as a “wonder food”. It contains almost twice as much protein as steak and is also a source of folic acid which helps prevent many cancers, Alzheimers and a whole host of other serious conditions. Broccoli is full of chromium, vitamin C and iron and is high in fibre too, which can help cut the risk of bowel cancer. Aim to eat a protein atleast three times a week. Those greens are good for you!
"Lack of omega-3s is lined to depression and some physical problems but do you know which everyday food can provide you with these essential fatty acids?"











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